Hi everyone,
I'm in my third year at University on a Media Production course and I'm coming to this forum with the hope that people will be able to help in collaberating their experiances of depression and potentially self harm so that I can make an honest and accurate account of how these issues affect a person.
I myself have battled with depression in the past. Also a number of close relatives have suffered the same. My ex girlfriend has struggled with self harm for many years, which has been a very hard hitting situation for me and has effected me profoundly. These factors are why I felt that it would be an appropriate and hugely important subject to focus on for the next and final year of my studies. I feel that mental illnesses and their subsequent effects are significantly unrepresented in the media so the chance for me to be able to do this is both exciting and essential.
The film will be a 5-6 minute animation that tackles how an individual copes and sees the world when suffering from depression.
The story which I tell will be very much dependant on the kind of response I get here. I want it to be as honest as possible (potentially using stories that you guys provide) and I felt that I needed more insight from past or current suffers so as to do this.
Any input, large or small, will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks very much.